Send this form, with the registration fee of £5.00 to:
Stuart Snaddon,
4 Holmhills Gardens,
Glasgow. G72 8EJ.
I need to receive the fee in British Sterling - unfortunately it is impossible for me to accept other currencies (due to bank charges!), so you may find it more convenient to order via the Kagi Shareware "Register" program included with this package.
When I receive this form, I will calculate a registration code for you, and forward it to you as soon as possible at the email address supplied. If you absolutely can't provide an email address, I'll send you the code through standard mail, but this is very slow.
If you have an eMail address, then I'll add it to a list of users who will get notified of any future updates, or related info. Support is also available for registered users, via my eMail address at